Software-Defined Vehicles
We provide software tools and knowledge required for SDV development.

About Us

AgileMobil is a startup to empower the future of autonomous mobility.


  • Our mission is to empower engineers, researchers, and enthusiasts with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive in the exciting world of Software-Defined Vehicles.
  • As a mobility platform base, we focus on two powerful open-source software platforms: Autoware and F1Tenth.


AgileMobil sells assembly Apparatus Kits to help autonomous driving researchers easily build F1Tenth vehicles. The researchers can easily assemble the F1Tenth vehicle by referring to the provided assembly instructions.

The Two Types of F1Tenth Vehicles

We offer Apparatus Kits for two types of F1Tenth vehicles.

Category F1Tenth PREMIUM F1Tenth BASIC
General Pictures
Purpose - Outdoor driving
- research and education
- Indoor driving
- racing and education
Key differences - 3D Lidar
- NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin
- 2D Lidar
- NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano
Specification Computer NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin with 64 GB memory
(12-core CPU, 2048-core GPU, 275 TOPS)
NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano with 8 GB memory
(6-core CPU, 1024-core GPU, 40 TOPS)
Lidar Ouster OS-1-32
(32 channels, range 100 m, FOV 360˚×45˚)
Hokuyo 10LX
(1 channel, range 10 m, FOV 270˚)
Battery 4S LiPo Battery 6700 mAh 3S LiPo Battery 5000 mAh
Odometry Odometry provided by VESC + Arduino based Telemetry Odometry provided by VESC
Camera Intel RealSense Depth Camera D455 (RGB: 1280×800, 90˚× 65˚, 30 fps, Depth: 1280×720, 87˚× 58˚, 90 fps)
Motor Controller VESC Mk VI (Input: 11.1V – 60V)
Power Board Matek UBEC Duo (Out1: 4A, 5~12V, Out2: 4A, 5V)
OS and Drivers JetPack 6.0 Developer Preview version, Ubuntu 22.04, ROS 2 Humble version, Hardware Drivers
Application Autoware.Universe Racing Applciations
Chassis Slash 4x4 Platinum Ultimate

Apparatus Kits

AgileMobil offers Apparatus Kits as a product to easily create the two models mentioned above.

Category Components F1Tenth PREMIUM F1Tenth BASIC Descriptions
Fastening Parts Frame
The frame is required to robustly mount sensors, computer, and controller at appropriate positions, and protect them from physical damages.
Improving Performance Spring Holder for Mapping
These spring holders reduce the vehicle suspension when collecting Lidar scans to be used for building a point cloud map. They help to keep the Lidar position at the same height from the ground.
Spring Holder for Driving
These spring holders allow us to adjust the vehicle suspension by fastening or loosensing the suspension springs
Assembly Assembly Manual
One page from the manual
    A step-by-step assembly manual is provided that depicts every assembly step with an intuitive drawing annotated with part numbers.
  • explains the detailed assembly process in 7 steps with 3D assembly diagrams.
  • includes wiring procedure with the power board.
  • lists all mechanical parts and tools in image.
  • includes chassis unboxing and preparation.
Assembly Tools
  • All required hex wrenches for assembly provided.
  • Note:
    • T1, T2, T3 are included in "Slash 4x4 Platinum Ultimate."
    • No soldering required by the user.
Driving Test Roller Base
Once the vehicle is built up, it requires basic hardware test and PID tuning for the traction motor. With this base, a user can avoid chasing a running vehicle with a computer in his or her hands to tune the PID gain values.
Application Autonomous Driving or Racing
  • To run the vehicle, all basic hardware drivers are provided on ROS2 Humble.
  • For F1Tenth Premium, a customized version of Autoware.Universe is provided in open source for outdoor driving.
  • For F1Tenth Basic, an indoor racing application will be provided in open source.

F1Tenth BASIC Setup Manual

You can set up the hardware (HW) and software (SW) of F1Tenth BASIC using the Apparatus Kits by referring to the assembly manual linked below.
    F1Tenth BASIC Setup Manual    

Note: The Apparatus Kits provides parts of type F, K and some tool T4, T5. Customer needs to supply the rest of the parts by her/himself.
The parts are classified into several types in the manual (1 Parts List):
  • T : Tools
  • F : Fasteners
  • K : Custom designed parts
  • S : Sensors
  • X : Traxxas related parts
  • E : Electrical or Electronical parts

Advantages for researchers and students

  • Reduces the efforts to purchase, design, and 3D-print individual parts.
  • Enables one-stop vehicle assembly without soldering.
  • Helps researchers focus on algorithm or application development on the ROS2 platform.
Note: Full-unit assembly kits may be available upon request (limited to Korea)


We deeply appreciate the F1Tenth Foundation ( for providing the reference hardware design and software stack.

Our products are built upon the great work of the F1Tenth Foundation and would not be possible without it. In our products, we try to
    1) incorporate a more powerful computing board and new sensors,
    2) meet the increased power demand,
    3) provide a more robust apparatus kit, and
    4) update or replace some reference parts with the latest ones.


AgileMobil provides a solid base on which research and development for software-defined vehicles can be started. Our platform is designed to embrace the complexity of the real world with automotive-grade sensors, high-performace computer, and autonomous driving software stack used for full-scale autonomous vehicles.


  • Attend F1Tenth racing grand prix held by top international conferences such as ICRA, IV, IROS, ESWeek, and CPS-IoT Week.
  • Gain experiences on the cutting-edge autonomous driving technology.
  • Perform the state-of-the-art research and development on autonomous driving.

Contact Us

If you wish to make a purchase or have any inquiries, please call or send an email.


13562   #1108, B1, Haebom Business Center 80, Jeongjail-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea